GUK FA35/FA43 Pharmaceutical Folders

Specifically designed to fold lightweight pharmaceutical paper.


Please click on the icons to reveal the features of this machine.

A - Features

Touchscreen CONTROL PANEL for job setup swivels for easy visibility.



B - Features


made of steel with nickel plating, are designed with narrow ribs to accommodate miniature-size folding



C - Features


are made of urethane and steel for durability.



D - Features


with an independent drive transfers the product from Station I to the side guide of Station II.

E - Features

For optimum performance, add the FA43 VARIABLE-SPEED TRANSFER UNIT, an independent drive that carries the paper from the parallel section of Station I to the side guide of Station II.



F - Features

VERTICAL-STACK DELIVERY UNIT for collecting miniature-size folded products.

  • Description


    Execptional miniature folding...

    • The only sheet-fed folder specifically designed to handle lightweight stock for pharmaceutical and miniature leaflet folding.

    Proven functionality and reliability...

    • Toothed belt and helical gears provide quiet slip-free operation.
    • Durable cast iron construction will withstand many years of constant operation.

    Built to fit your needs...

    • Each station is available with 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 folding plates—all fold down to 1⁄2".
    • Stations can be configured at a right-turn angle or parallel in tandem.
    • Standard sizes: 13-3⁄4" x 25-5⁄8" and 17" x 25-5⁄8".
    • The GUK FA35/43 Folders can be used as a primary folder in Single Knife or Double Knife Outsert Systems


     For more information, fill out the information request form.

  • Feeders





    R6 Round-Pile Feeder

    • The continuous-load ROUND-PILE FEEDER is for feeding longer-size sheets up to 40" long. Load slightly shingled paper onto the table and belts bring it down around a feed drum. 






    • ADJUSTABLE FLOATING BLOWERS (1), one on each side of the pile, make air blasts to lift and help feed long and difficult-to-feed stock.
    • TOP-SUCTION WHEEL (2) moves the sheets toward the folder with the aid of front air blasts and the side air blasts.
    • ELECTRONIC DOUBLE-SHEET DETECTOR (3) ensures quality production.


    SAF Bottom-Suction Feeder

    • This continuous-load BOTTOM SUCTION FEEDER has air channels in the side rails for separating sheets to aid the bottom suction drum in drawing the paper to the anti-static stainless steel register table.
    • A single control automatically synchronizes the speed of both the feeder and folder for smooth production.
    • A single-sheet control allows sheets to feed at a reduced rate to minimize setup time during changeovers.
    • The sheet length and gap between sheets can be controlled to accommodate gluing or other applications.
    • The vacuum time on the sheets can be precisely programmed to allow folding of stock as light as 27# offset.


    FL2 Flat-Pile Feeder

    • Suction heads lift the sheets at the REAR SEPARATING FEED SYSTEM (1). Air blasts aerate and separate the sheets, making it possible to feed long or difficult-to-handle sheets.
    • A DRUM SUCTION INFEED WHEEL (2), shielded by a safety cover, transfers the paper onto the registration table toward the folding rollers. Optional side air blasts aid in the consistent transfer of sheets.
    • A caliper-set double-sheet detector stops the feeder when a miss-feed occurs.
    • The rear separating feed system lifts up and out of the way for easy loading.



  • Accessories


    Other optional equipment for versatility and efficiency.

    • Variable-speed transfer unit
    • Vertical-stack delivery unit
    • Bar code scanner
    • Pressing units
    • Batch gluing system
    • Glue systems—cold and hot melt
    • Glue verification
    • Edge cutter
    • Strip trimout
    • Electronic gate-fold folding plate
    • Variable-speed vertical-stack delivery unit
    • Reversing vertical-stack delivery unit
    • Double-stream unit for second station
    • Crimping—single or multiple
    • Double-sheet detector with automatic feeder shut-off
    • Sound reduction hoods
    • Attachments


      EK300 KNIFE FOLDING UNIT is for the final fold of leaflets that are too small to be handled in the side guide of the right angle station or too thick for buckle folding down to 1-1⁄4".
      • It has a built-in vertical delivery unit and an optional ejector magnet (kicker) for indicating a preset number of finished pieces. (See EK300 Knife Folding Unit)

             (Flier with specifications available.)

      The CHUTE (shingled) DELIVERY UNIT S-350 handles finished sizes of 2-3⁄4" or more in height.

      • Folded pieces are delivered shingled—one overlapping the other.
      • It is built with friction belts and has a variable-speed control motor drive.
      The MOBILE SHINGLE DELIVERY UNIT is for finished leaflets of more than 3-3⁄4" in height.
      • Folded products are delivered shingled—one overlapping the other.
      • It is height adjustable and tilt adjustable.
      • It has variable speed for better control of shingling the product.
      • Widths: 13-3⁄4" and 17".
      The VERTICAL-STACK DELIVERY UNIT is for collecting miniature-size folded products.
      • Folded pieces are stacked upright for easy, orderly collection.
      • It has an independent motor drive.
      • A built-in ejector magnet (kicker), controlled by the MCS-106 Predetermined Counter, staggers pieces to mark batches.
      • Widths: #KS-235: 9-1⁄4"; #KS-310: 12-1⁄4"; and #KS-370: 14-5⁄8".
    • Specifications





      Smallest fold (all stations)



      Number of plates per station

      4, 6, 8, 10 or 12

      4, 6, 8, 10 or 12

      Maximum sheet size

      13-3/4” x 25-5/8”

      17” x 25-5/8”

      Minimum sheet size*

      3-5/32” x 3-9/16”

      3-5/32” x 3-9/16”

      Production speed**

      Up to 12”— 300 p/min  

      Over 12”— 150 p/min

      Up to 12”— 300 p/min  

      Over 12”— 150 p/min


      230v, 3ø, 60 cycle

      230v, 3ø, 60 cycle

      * Optional modification is available for the minimum sheet size of 2-1/8” x 3-3/8”.

      ** Per 12” cycle. One piece per cycle; over 12” — one piece per double cycle.


      GUK FA35/FA43 FOLDERS with optional feeders


      Smallest fold (all stations)1/2”1/2”
      Number of plates per station4, 6, 8, 10 or 124, 6, 8, 10 or 12
      R6 Round-Pile Feeder 
      Maximum sheet size13-3 /4” x 56-5/8”17” x 56-5/8”
      Mininum sheet size8" x 8"8" x 8"
      SAF Bottom-Suction Feeder
      Maximum sheet size13-3/4” x 25-5/8”17” x 56-5/8”
      Minimum sheet size3-1/4” x 3-1/2”3-1/4” x 3-1/2”
      FL2 Flat-Pile Feeder
      Maximum sheet size13-3/4” x 33”17” x 33”
      Minimum sheet size4-1/4” x 5-1/2”4-1/4” x 5-1/2”
      Production speed500 ft/min500 ft/min
      Electrical230v, 3ø, 60 cycle230v, 3ø, 60 cycle






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