FA54/FA74/FA82 Folders

Station I GUK FA74 Folder with Stations II & III


Please click on the icons to reveal the features of this machine.

A - Features

R6 ROUND-PILE FEEDER  is continuous-load.  An FL3 Flat-Pile Feeder or a Pallet Feeder may be specified depending on your needs.

B - Features

L4 CONTROL PANEL features a touchscreen for programming folding jobs—setting up the feeder; controlling total, batch, and running counts; production speed of station(s); sheet length, gap, and fold lengths; sheet suction; and double sheet and jam detectors. Programs can be stored for recall.

C - Features

CALIPER-SET DEVICES automatically set roller pressure (shown on Stations I & II). Micro-dial adjustments can be made if necessary.

D - Features

ZERO-MAKEREADY PLATES are set to be a folding plate or a deflector with a simple turn of an adjustment dial while the plates are secure in the machine (shown on Stations I & II).

E - Features

SOUND AND SAFETY COVERS with electronic interlocking switches ensure safe operation at all stations (shown on Stations I & II).

F - Features

MOBILE SHINGLE DELIVERY S520, S720, OR S820, based on format size. Height is adjustable with automatic speed synchronization.

G - Features

M4 REMOTE CONTROL UNITS  with an emergency stop button are mounted on all stations and the delivery unit, allowing convenient operation of the machine away from the main controller.

  • Description


    T74 w/Continuous Round-Pile Feeder & ZK500 Knife Folding Attachment

    • Designed for buckle folding or a combination of buckle and knife folding.
    • High speed and extremely high quality.
    • T74 folders accommodate sheet sizes up to 29-1/8" x 47"; T54 folders fold sheets up to 21-1/4" x 47".
    • 2, 4, 6 or 8 plates in each station.

    Advanced Features:

    • Automatic roller settings with "perfect set" micro-settings.
    • Lock-dial indicators for accurate adjustment of folding plates.
    • Heavy-duty, quick-release perforating, scoring and slitting shafts.
    • Durable double bearing roller assembly.
    • Slip-free roller drive.


    For More Flexibility:

    • The ZK500 Cross-fold Knife Folding Attachment can be used with the T74 or T54 Series Folders to give you the added ability to make a thick final cross-fold. A ZK500 Parallel Knife Folding Attachment will give you the ability to make an additional parallel fold.

          For more information, fill out the information request form.

  • Feeders


    R6 Round-Pile Feeder        
    • Feeds sheets up to 56-5/8" (144 cm) in length. 
    • Top suction wheel (1) aided by air blasts from front and two sides (2), transfers sheets to the register table. 
    • The Electronic Double-Sheet Detector (3).



    FL3 Flat-Pile Feeder

    • Feeds sheets up to 40-7/8" (104 cm) in length.
    • Its maximum pile height is 27-1/2" (70 cm).   
    • Rear suction heads (1) on the FL3 lift sheets with the aid of air blasts while the top-suction wheel (2), shielded by a safety cover, transfers them to the anti-static alignment table leading to Station II.
    • The Electronic Double-Sheet Detector (3).


    P4 or P5 Pallet feeder

    • A pallet stacked with up to 47-1/4" (120 cm) of paper can be loaded directly onto the feeder, saving time and labor.
    • A laser beam automatically positions the pallet for transferring sheets onto the stainless-steel alignment table by rear suction pickup and front drum suction wheel.
    • Setup and operation is through L4 and M4 controllers.

  • Accessories


    • Baumer hhs® Xcam Camera system for missing data detection, pattern matching, and bar code reading
    • Auxiliary guillotine and die-cutter for round corners and shape
    • Gluing systems—hot or cold
    • Gate-fold plate
    • Double stream device
    • Timed perforating/cutting station
    • Pre-slitter shafts 
    • Strip cutting device
    • Edge cutting device
    • Crimping device 
    • Auto Fold-Plate Setting




  • Attachments


    ZK500/ZK600 Knife Folding Unit     
    • Heavy-duty commercial folder for folding thick products.
    • Makes final up or down cross folds.
    • It can also be used off-line for folding signatures, booklets (up to a 144-page, depending on stock), or any special commercial folding applications.
    • (Specification sheet available)



    BAS/FSA 600/800 Pressing Unit 

    • Makes running, total, and batch counts with a "kicker" to mark batches.
    • Has an integrated angled flat-pile delivery.
    • 3-up capability (4-up is optional).
    • Unit is height adjustable.
    • Operation is through L4 and M4 controllers.
    • BAS/STB Vertical Stack Delivery is also available.



    Mail System Equipment 

    • Mail system components can be attached to producing direct mail pieces: plough folders, card feeders, tabbing units, wafer sealing, ink jetting, optical recognition, die punching, slitting, glue systems, vacuum belt transports, etc. 


  • Specifications



    Number of Stations1 to 31 to 31 to 3

    Number of Plates

    Station I

    Stations II and III


    4, 6 or 8

    2, 4, 6 or 8


    4, 6 or 8

    2, 4, 6 or 8


    4, 6 or 8

    2, 4, 6 or 8

    Smallest fold all Stations


    (45 mm)²


    (45 mm)²


    (45 mm)²

    R6 Feeder

    Max sheet size


    Min sheet size



    21-1/4" x 56-3/8"

    (540 x 1440)

    6-3/8" x 6-3/8"

    (160 x 160)



    29-1/8" x 56-3/8"

    (740 x 1440)

    6-3/8" x 8-3/8"

    (160 x 210)



    32-1/4" x 56-3/8"

    (820 x 1440)

    6-3/8" x 8-3/8"

    (160 x 210)

    FL3 Feeder

    Max sheet size

    Min sheet size



    21-1/4" x 31-3/8"

    (540 x 800)

     6" x 7-1/2"

    (150 x 190)



    29-1/8" x 40-7/8"

    (740 x 1040)

    6" x 7-1/2

    (150 x 190)





    Pallet Feeder³

    Max sheet size


    Min sheet size







    29-1/8" x 40-7/8"

    (740 x 1040)

    8-3/8" x 11-3/4"

    (210 x 297)



    32-1/4" x 47-1/4"

    (820 x 1200)

    8-3/8" x 11-3/4"

    (210 x 297)

    Paper weights27lb. offset to 110 lb. cover27lb. offset to 110 lb. cover27lb. offset to 110 lb. cover
    Production Speed

    - up to 650 ft/min
    (200 m/min)4

    - 40,000 letter-size

    - up to 650 ft/min
    (200 m/min)4

    - 40,000 letter-size

    - up to 650 ft/min
    (200 m/min)4

    - 40,000 letter-size

    Electrical220V, 3ø, 60 cycle220V, 3ø, 60 cycle220V, 3ø, 60 cycle

    1. Measurements in parentheses are in millimeters.

    2. Optional modification is available for folding down as small as 1" (26 mm).
    3. Model numbers are P4 Pallet Feeder for the FA74 and P5 Pallet Feeder for FA82.

    4. Production speed depends on the stock and fold pattern.



  • Brochure
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